1. Ciaron

    On June 26th. we conducted a vigil in ANZAC Square
    Brisbane to remember the dead of the Af/Pak war.

    ANZAC (Australia New Zealand Army Corp) Square embodies the creation myth of Australia with statues of soldiers who have served in far flung wars on request of British and American empires. There is little visible mention of the civilian dead.

    The Square is centred on the creation myth of Gallipoli, rarely challenged, and the illusion that our security depends on service to empire.

    We circled, placing our demands on the perimiter
    -Bring Our Toops Home
    -Resist Talisman Sabre Military Exercises
    -War is Terror is War

    We read some of the names of the dead of the AfPak war

    * 5 Afghani children killed by Australian SAS
    * Australian military killed in Afghanistan
    * Other foreign military killed in Afghanistan
    *Afghani civilian dead

  2. Ciaron

    On June 26th. we conducted a vigil in ANZAC Square
    Brisbane to remember the dead of the Af/Pak war.
    ANZAC (Australia New Zealand Army Corp) Square embodies the creation myth of Australia with statues of soldiers who have served in farflung wars on rquest of British and American empires. There is little visible mention of the civilian dead.
    The Square is centred on the creation myth of Gallipoli, rarely challenged, and the illusion that our security depends on service to empire.
    We circled, placing our demands on the perimiter
    -Bring Our Toops Home
    -Resist Talisman Sabre Military Exercises
    -War is Terror is War
    We read some of the names of the dead of the AfPak war

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  • The Af/Pak War and the USA & Australia Militaries

      While Australia services the escalting U.S. Af/Pak War in northern Pakistan and southern Afghanistan, a training exercise is taking place in July in central Queensland/Australia between the two militaries.

      Australia has a long history servicing U.S. aggression in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. The Catholic Worker has a long history in nonviolently resisting such wars and preparations for war. Catholic Workers are heading to the Talisman Sabre exercises to 'fight fire with water' and nonviolently bring and end to Talsiman Sabre and the Af/Pak War.

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