1. Ciaron

    Brisbane academic and long time activist Gary MacLennan, originally Omagh/Ireland, addresses the vigil on the nature of war and the escalating Af/Pak War. Gary spoke of how his father at 16 lied about his age to join the British Army at the Battle of the Somme. (“2,000 soldiers from Ulster died at the Somme in the opening days-SBS”).

    He said Af/Pak was a unique war historically in that the U.S. had trained and armed both sides. He called for a surge of nonviolent anti-war opposition in the West. We hope to youtube Gary’s speech and make it available.

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  • The Af/Pak War and the USA & Australia Militaries

      While Australia services the escalting U.S. Af/Pak War in northern Pakistan and southern Afghanistan, a training exercise is taking place in July in central Queensland/Australia between the two militaries.

      Australia has a long history servicing U.S. aggression in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. The Catholic Worker has a long history in nonviolently resisting such wars and preparations for war. Catholic Workers are heading to the Talisman Sabre exercises to 'fight fire with water' and nonviolently bring and end to Talsiman Sabre and the Af/Pak War.

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